Deep in hypnosis, I investigate some questions of my existence in my inner-landscape. Something new arises in the landscape and I ask what it is. My subconscious mind guides me to it. It is a well.An old stone and wood well that I have never seen before. Next, I am guided to use a fishing pole and lure to pull something up. It is something large that resists me. The object ends up being a massive old black tree stump.
“What is this? What does this represent?” I ask.
I get the message that the tree stump represents very old conditioned belief systems. Belief systems that originate from my childhood that no longer serve my highest and best good. I stand there looking at this massive old tree stump with think roots just sitting there on the terrain of my inner-landscape. It does not do anything. But as I get a rotten feeling from it I decide to transmute it. So, with my magic wand I cast bright light upon it, dematerialize it and cast its particles up into the multicolored cosmos above for the stars and Source of the universe to return into raw energy.
After this hypnosis incident, I go down the well to explore what is down there. I find a vast expansive subterranean space with shallow water covering the floor and stalagmites hang from above. Floating in the water I find chunks of dark wood. I ask what they are and I am told that they are remnants of the stump that I pulled up and each piece represents a different fear or belief.
Later in the year, I find myself crying and processing a large payload of emotional remnants which relate to the conditioning that the stump represented. During this crying session I realized that some of the negative ways I have been thinking and behaving towards people close to myself and others is how I had been taught to think and behave much earlier in my life. I decide to stop that type of belief and behavior and live a much easier life.
What were those beliefs and behaviors?
From early childhood religious schooling to later on as a teenager starting my spiritual awakening journey, I had been told that there are only certain ways of doing things. That “this is sinful or the wrong way” and “You can only get to ‘Heaven’ by living this way or doing that.”
As a youngster living my life, learning, exploring and searching for universal and personal truth, this kind of conditioning can be very harmful. To learn and practice one thing that is harmless in it’s nature and feels right for me, and to then be told that I am not doing it the right way or that I should not because of X, Y and/or Z really messed me up. Looking back at my life I realize that I developed a deep subconscious filter of judging others for ‘being wrong, living their lives the wrong way, or even being wrong for not being more open minded or spiritual.’
I must say that I am not one to generalize and I am not badmouthing all religions or spiritual systems. There are many religions and spiritual teachers I have come across that are very welcoming and universal in their ways. I believe that living in alignment with some sort of philosophical or spiritual system, with a belief in a higher power is essential to healthy living. A balance of understanding and refinement of mind, body, emotions, intellect and spirit.
Realizing this unfortunate truth of my past, and addressing this problem at it’s literal roots, I am grateful that I had this experience. I am humbled to share this lesson with you in hope that it may benefit you or someone you know.
What are your chronic thoughts and beliefs about others?
What have you taken in and are repeating from what you have been taught?
Is that helping you grow or change in positive ways?
How are you choosing to live your life? Does what you do support others in what they do?