Should I… Be Wrong?
In the summer of 2021 I had started my hypnotherapy training from the Hypnosis Motivation Institute and was practicing self hypnosis regularly as part of my training. Self-hypnosis had at that time, and even now has, practically become my way of meditation. One evening after the sun had set on shift at the security job I once worked, I sat down for a five minute session in a blindspot in the large cafeteria room. In this particular self-hypnosis session I had drifted into more of a loose meditative state that maintained focus, but it was nonetheless enjoyable. In this state, I was approached by what I saw and knew to be a tall human-like figure in a white robe.
This person greeted me and introduced themselves to me as a part of the Sirian Council. After they did some reading of my energy at the time and pointing my attention to an issue that is somewhat detrimental that I can work on, they said “do not live you life according to ‘shoulds’ and ‘shouldn’ts.’” This message of theirs was more than just the words, like most of the auditory and other telepathic messages I receive, this one came with a download of more of the implications, the understandings and the real meaning behind this wise recommendation.
The meaning of this message was to not live my life in a way that I am restricting or limiting myself according to the “shoulds” and “shouldn’ts” that I tell myself a lot. For example, I may have frequently told myself such limitations as “I should keep this self-hypnosis session brief to get back to Main Control.” Or “I shouldn’t wear this or that ‘bright’ colored t-shirt under my uniform tomorrow because it is ‘unprofessional.’” And even things about other people like “They should talk more positively to help me and our coworkers be more positive and productive.” This list can go on and on, and I am sure that it used to be as long one of my arms.
One of the purposes of my Walk-In event was not for me to have a near death experience and become a totally different person, but to learn to heal from the inside to the the outside layers of who I am/was. “Should” was just one of the words on my vocabulary back then and for most of my life before my Walk-In event that was too common in my normal speech about myself and how I believed thins “should be.” Even today, after almost two years of frequent self-hypnosis sessions, investigating and reprogramming things within me, healings from angels and spirits, observing the reflections of my inner stuff in my outer world and even months that I spent working with a fellow hypnotherapist, I still catch myself using the word “should.”
The message of that Sirian Council member, which I believe is relevant to all of humanity, comes down to the practice of paying close attention to the words, phrases and stories we tell ourselves. More than that, what is essential in this type of personal development is to pay attention to how words, phrases and stories truly effect ourselves, even to the level of the subconscious or psyche below the layer of beliefs. Our subconscious mind, conscious mind and body are all programmable and always listening to patterns and programs. Part of this is a survival mechanism in its origin. But it can also be your best friend when you learn what programs you are running that are making you sick, depressed, afraid, anxious, nervous, timid, scarce, lacking, unconfident, doubtful or not taking action on what you truly want and turn those negatives into positives that create a happy body, happy outlook on life, recognizing that nobody is stopping you from what you want to achieve.
In another self-hypnosis session, I was exploring y inner landscape when I came across an old stone well. I use a fishing rod and hook to fish for what may be down there. To my surprise, I caught something. Something large and heavy and took some effort to remove it from the well. It was a large black tree stump. It was obviously very old and had been in there a while. I asked what it symbolized and the answer I got was something to the effect of a mass of very old conditioned beliefs, especially involving right and wrong and “being wrong” as a person. With my magic wand in that state I cast light upon this to transmute into gold.
Well, I can say now that it is not as easy as the casting of light from a wand in hypnosis to undo age old conditioning around being wrong. I feel that after that something did open though, a beginning of a process of reversing the “wrong-beliefs” and more recently in early 2023 I have started the work of validating myself and others. The inner and outer benefits of this work are proving to be phenomenal. Where I used to have much more doubt, discouragement and lack-of-self-worth I have built up courage, confidence and greater self-worthiness. I must also say that this deep inner work of undoing the “wrong-programs” can be so powerful that it must be handled carefully. Too much freedom of your wild energy can lead to burnout and self-destruction and that is where discernment and carefulness are required.
After you have started this process of undoing the limiting and deleterious “being-wrong” conditioning, what must be inserted into the place of the old beliefs is validation. Validation is not something I hear many people talk about these days, even in the spiritual and healing spheres, but perhaps that ought to or will be changing soon. “Self-Worth” has been a hot topic in the lightwkrker, new age and spiritual communities for years and or good reason.
For centuries, millennia and probably eons of time of this planet and others, people who naturally have awakened abilities such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognizence, intuition, psychic abilities and other metaphysical senses/abilties have usually been misunderstood by the masses as witches, outcasts, wicked sorcerers, devil worshippers and other titles that in most cases are hastily applied. Some more rare abilities such as channeling, walking on water, transmutation, materializing objects, teleportation and shapeshifting have been demonstrated and practiced among the few in indigenous and shamanic societies around this globe for millennia. Quite often many of these not too common senses and abilities have been for the initiates of certain societies, orders, clans, casts and groups, and not for lay people. Regardless of class or rank, I believe that all of the above are natural functions of the human energy body and spirit that some are born with, some are passed down through bloodlines and some are potentials we can all learn.
However natural these abilities are, the ugly facts of history are that countless numbers of people who have demonstrated having any of these abilities have been burned alive, buried alive, drowned, crucified, decapitated and persecuted and murdered in every way that has been done. Those of us who have and utilize our “ESP” abilities who have been murdered and persecuted numerous times because of how we are, know all too well what self-worth-issues are and feel like because this planet has shown us that we are not worthy, just because of how we are. That e are are wrong for being how we are.
I believe that the work of undoing the “being-wrong” conditioning is appropriate to free the energies of the “Lightworkers,” the “Old Souls,” the “Starseeds/Starchildren” and “Ancient Ones” who have been through it. Also those of us who were put through strict religious programs as children and were taught that they were less than, they were wrong, they were below, who still carry around such imposed limiting beliefs.
Hey, you are not broken and there is nothing wrong with you. You are a beautiful being, beautiful person just the way you are, as you were born. We all have our stuff and nobody gets through this giant spherical school without picking up beliefs or conditioning of some sort. The good news is that these are just programs that have been set in and most of them can be reprogrammed. You were not born or created to live in a “wrong-way,” you were born and created to become a free and empowered sovereign individual.
Be brave
Be innovative
Be free
Be right